Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Min and a Visit to the Musuem

Charmaine is fifteen yesterday.

Her home-made cake by Shirley and me.

Bring your mosquito repellents with you if you are going to the Heritage Village at the Sabah Museum next time. Jing Tze, Karen and I were feeding them (they fly in swarms!!) with the soft tissues on our calves. Those mosquitoes were so crazy and I think it's because we were the only three visitors there. We took our own sweet time until we found out that the mosquitoes found us out.

North Borneo Railways.

Jing Tze with her Olympus.

Karen looking my way.

The flares!!!

Then we went for Yoyo.

Love the lighting in these two. Photographer: Karen.

1 comment:

Allen Teo said...

U have a very nice photo shooting. ;)