Monday, January 14, 2008

Recycling Day at Tzu Chi

Recycling is no easy task. You have to separate the plastics from the glass and from the papers. For the plastics, there are three sub-divisions: the mineral bottles, the bigger oil bottles and the plastic bags. For papers: the glossy, black and white, card board and miscellaneous paper.

The recycle day at Tzu Chi is held on the first Sunday of every month. There are several stations throughout KK- at Lintas, Kingfisher, the Dewan beside Tshung Tsin... just to name a few. You can pass your recyclable stuff to one of these stations. Volunteers will separate them into the correct categories. Or you can go as a volunteer and learn more about the recycling process.

Think before you throw.

Old PCs.

People sending in their recyclables despite the rain.

Volunteers helping to categorize different kinds of paper.

Cardboard boxes must be tied together at a certain weight before being sent off to the recycling factory.

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